VOGAZ - Technical Analysis Tool and Charting Software

VOGAZ  - Technical Analysis Tool and Charting Software
VOGAZ- A Technical Analysis Tool and Charting Software for Stock, Forex & Commodity Market Investors and Traders.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What is Technical Analysis?

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Technical Analysis is the forecasting of future price movements of share/stock forex or commodity based on an examination of past price movements. Technical analysis does not lead to absolute predictions about the future. In lieu, technical analysis can help investors anticipate what is “likely” to happen to prices over time. In this the analyst uses a wide variety of charts and data to predict the future of the share forex commodity and even mutual funds. It enables them to define buying and selling patterns in every possible way, and get better chances at succeeding in financial market. One of its advantages is that it makes it easier to follow up with a number of stocks with technical analysis.

Technical analysts use technical Analysis Software to perform technical analysis or charting as it is also often called. These charting tools are helpful in providing information.

VOGAZ is the best Technical Analysis & Predicting, Forecasting, Estimating, Graphing & Charting Software for Stock, Forex & Commodity Market Investors and Traders of NSE, BSE, MCX, MCX-SX, NCDEX, NMCE Exchanges India.

Directional Movement System

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Directional Movement System contains five indicators; ADX, DI+, DI-, DX, and ADXR. The ADX (Average Directional Movement Index) is an indicator of how much the market is trending, either up or down- the higher the ADX line, the more the market is trending and the more suitable it becomes for a trend-following system. This indicator consists of two lines- DI+ and DI-, the first one being a measure of uptrend and the second one a measure of downtrend. The standard Directional Movement System draws a 14 period DI+ and a 14 period DI- in the same chart panel. ADX is also sometimes shown in the same chart panel. A buy signal is given when DI+ crosses over DI-, a sell signal is given when DI- crosses over DI+. The Directional Movement System helps determine if an instrument is trending.The system involves 5 indicators which are the Directional Movement Index (DX), the plus Directional Indicator (+DI), the minus Directional Indicator (-DI), the average Directional Movement (ADX) and the Directional movement rating (ADXR).

For intra-day analysis, he compared current period with the previous period.  the trading range for current period extended primarily above previous period then directional movement was considered to be up. If it extended primarily below previous period’s range then directional movement was considered to be down. There are also rules for handling inside, outside and limit periods. stating that the directional movement is the largest part of current period’s range that lies outside previous period’s range.

The key feature of the Directional Movement System is that it first identifies whether the market is trending before providing signals for trading the trend. It measures the ability of bulls and bears to move price outside the previous period’s trading range +DI measure positive, or upside, movement, -DI measures downward, or negative, movement.. The basic Directional Movement Trading system involves plotting the 14period +DI and the 14 period -DI on top of each other.  When the +DI rises above the -DI, it is a bullish signal.  A bearish signal occurs when the +DI falls below the -DI.

Detrended Price Oscillator

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Technical Analysis Software : Detrended Price Oscillator

The Detrended Price Oscillator is used when long-term trends or outliers must be removed from prices or index indicators. This indicator is often used to supplement a standard price chart. Other indicators can be plotted over the Detrended Price Oscillator. The Detrended Price Oscillator (“DPO”) attempts to eliminate the trend in prices & smoothes the trend in prices. It compares closing price to a prior moving average, eliminating cycles longer than the moving average. It is used to isolate short-term cycles. Short-term cycles add together like musical harmonics to create longer-term cycles. By studying the shorter-term harmonics of a long-term cycle, turning points in the major cycle can be determined. The DPO removes the longer-term cycles from prices, making the shorter-term cycles more visible. The Detrended Price Oscillator is most effective with indicator periods of 21 or less.

Detrended prices allow to more easily identifying cycles and overbought/oversold levels. Short- term cycles add together to create longer-term cycles. Analyzing these shorter-term components of the long-term cycles can be helpful in identifying major turning points in the longer-term cycle. The DPO helps to remove these longer-term cycles from prices.

Comparative Relative Strength

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Technical Analysis Software : Comparative Relative Strength

The Comparative Relative Strength index divides one price field by another price field. The base security is outperforming the other security when the Comparative RSI is trending upwards. Comparative Relative Strength compares two securities to show how the securities are performing relative to each other.

Comparative Relative Strength compares a security’s price change with that of a “base” security. When the Comparative Relative Strength indicator is moving up, it shows that the security is performing better than the base security. When the indicator is moving sideways, it shows that both securities are performing the same (i.e., rising and falling by the same percentages). When the indicator is moving down, it shows that the security is performing worse than the base security.

Comparative Relative Strength is often used to compare a security’s performance with a market index. It is also useful in developing spreads .

Commodity Channel Index

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The purpose of CCI indicator is to identify cyclical turns in commodities. This indicator oscillates between an overbought and oversold condition and works best in a sideways market. The assumption behind the indicator is that commodities (or stocks or bonds) move in cycles, with highs and lows coming at periodic intervals.

The Commodity Channel Index (CCI) is a timing tool that works best with seasonal or cyclical contracts. It keeps trades neutral in a sideways moving market, and helps get in the market when a breakout occurs.

The CCI is a versatile indicator capable of producing a wide array of buy and sell signals. CCI can be used to identify overbought and oversold levels. A security would be deemed oversold when the CCI dips below -100 and overbought when it exceeds +100. From oversold levels, a buy signal might be given when the CCI moves back above -100. From overbought levels, a sell signal might be given when the CCI moved back below +100.
CCI also help identify price reversals, price extremes and trend strength. CCI fits into the momentum category of oscillators

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dashboard - Vogaz.com

Technical Analysis Software India -  – www.Vogaz.com 

Dashboard is indicator based study, that gives bull and bear indicators for a given time interval. With dashboard traders can know how indicators are behaving for each time interval 1min, 5min, 10min,60 min etc. for a given stock, forex, commodity, future or option. Dashboard also summarizes the total number of bullish indicators against total number of bearish indicators.
This study is extremely useful at judging the market trend. It also enables trader to make safer and more confident decisions. It helps in avoiding mix trend, which is a very high risk time to invest.

Dashboard Forecaster
With Dashboard Forecaster you can check how technical indicators would react for a selected stock commodity forex future or option for a given price. In this the user can feed in the price that he wants the predictions on. On this user fed price, dashboard forecaster shows how technical indicators are behaving. Indicators indication can be checked on different time intervals from 1 to 60 minutes.
This study helps the users to know what the future trend can be like if a stock, commodity or future goes up or comes down in price. This can help the user make more accurate judgment.

Forecaster - Vogaz.com

Technical Analysis Software India -  – www.Vogaz.com 

Forecaster is the study based on strict parameters, formulas and calculations, which indicate the right price to enter or exit a trade. Forecaster gives a targeted reversal level and, loft and trash target from the last closed price. Forecaster gives price reversal level for a bullish and bearish trend, and it also summarizes if in the current trend there are long buildups or short buildups.

Let us take an example to explain how the forecaster works and helps to make better trading decision. Suppose a stock or commodity closed price/ current price is 100, it can either go up to 110 or come down to 90. So the investor is going to buy at 90 after it comes down or sell at 110 when it goes up.

In this case forecaster would indicate the bullish reversal price (Selling) as 110 and bearish reversal price (buying) as 90 when its current price is 100. These prices are indicated before the event happens or before the fall or rise of prices. This way the trader gets to know the entry and exit points. He would know if shorts are building up or it’s long trend, and decide accordingly.

Forecaster also gives trash and loft targets. Loft targets are the difference between the reversal levels of long market trend and the last closed price or current price of the stock, commodity or future. And trash targets are the difference between the reversal levels of short market trend and the current or last closed price. By loft and trash target you can also determine if the long or short buildup is getting weaker or stronger or is it even. In case it’s even, then it’s a high risk trade.

Let us take the same example as earlier to explain the loft and trash targets of forecaster, to get more insight on the topic. Now suppose the stock or commodity is at 100 and the long reversal is 110 and trash target is 10, and the short reversal level is 90 making the trash target to be 10. After awhile the stock or commodity rallies up to 105, making the loft target come down to 5 as the reversal level is still 110. And the trash target 15 for reversal level of short trend is still the same, 90.

In this case if the forecaster does not give a new reversal target, it would mean that the long trend is getting weaker. The trash target is still 5 and the reversal is near. If the forecaster gives fresh target and indicates a higher reversal level, it would indicate the long is still strong and the stock or commodity is likely to go higher.
The weaker the loft and trash target gets the more volatile it becomes, and is more susceptible to change. 

Estimator - Vogaz.com

Technical Analysis Software India -  – www.Vogaz.com 

What is Estimator?
Estimator based on technical indicators gives a summarized result of the current market scenario. It gives a list of indicators with bull and bear signals against the, indicating how technical indicators are reacting in the current market, are they indicating a bull or a bear trend.

How does it work?
Estimator summarizes the total bull and bear signals for the current market scenario. It has green (bull) and red (bear) bars that indicate which out of the two trends dominating. If green bars are more it is a bullish trend and if red are more it is a bearish trend. Estimator’s result varies with different time intervals. For a small change in trend use 5 to 15 minutes time interval and for intermediate to major change in trend 60 to daily would be more relevant.

How does it benefit trader?
A trader would get to know when exactly to enter or exit a trade. Estimator would indicate whether in the current market scenario the stock, future or commodity is bullish bearish or is it a mixed trend. It prevents financial market investors from investing at the time of mixed trend, which is a high risk trade. It also shows how indicator is behaving, without having to use it on a chart and analyzing. Sometimes analyst wrongly interprets indicator and can get misguided. 

Predictor - Vogaz.com

Technical Analysis Software India -  – www.Vogaz.com 

What is Predictor?
It is a study, which uses technical indicators to predict future movement of stock, commodity or forex. It indicates or predetermines how equities and derivatives are going to behave for a given set of conditions (plus and minus prices, time intervals, technical indicators, etc.).

How does it work?
Predictor uses the last close price/current indicated price and, negative (minus) and positive (plus) predicted prices, to indicate how the movement of the share, commodity or forex can be in near future. It uses technical indicators like exponential moving averages, stochastic, etc. to indicate if the stock, commodity, future or option is bullish or bearish for the future predicted prices/ levels. It also gives best bullish and bearish levels. These are the levels at which maximum number of indicators indicate that the share, future, option, commodity or forex is bearish or is bullish or going to be bullish or bearish from.  

How does it benefit trader?
It gives clear indication of bullish and bearish trends, current as well as future movement. Traders can select percentage difference from the current close price ranging from 0.05% – 3% that they want their predictions on, and study how technical indicators are reacting to those prices. Predictor makes it easier to get a confirm and safer trade, as it indicates both positive and negative movements. Traders get a clear picture that from what level the indicators are indicating a bear or a bull trend, leading him to act accordingly.