VOGAZ - Technical Analysis Tool and Charting Software

VOGAZ  - Technical Analysis Tool and Charting Software
VOGAZ- A Technical Analysis Tool and Charting Software for Stock, Forex & Commodity Market Investors and Traders.

Monday, April 18, 2011


The Stock Market
VOGAZ research says that maximum no. of Intraday traders lose their money sooner or later, the rarest of rare intraday traders who manage to pull out profits go through heavy risks which are dangerous for any business. In such case, these traders need to manage their risk- return relationship.  The relationship between risk and return in the stock markets has been one of the most investigated topics in financial economics. The risk-return relationship is of elementary importance in economy. Investors require a higher return from the market portfolio than from risk free return investments. This market portfolio return depends on risk indicating a positive relationship. VOGAZ study differs from the previous researches as our purpose is to examine the risk- return relationship during the trading session, an approach that has never been established in financial literature. Additionally, VOGAZ uses high frequency data from the Indian financial markets in order to examine intraday characteristics and price patterns of a stock exchange.

VOGAZ Delay (DLY) 15 min’s

The fifteen minute interval in VOGAZ Delay (DLY) is big enough for new information to be incorporated in prices of stocks in markets. Additionally, fifteen minute intervals have been used in a lot of studies and thus we have a basis for comparison. Twenty fifteen minutes intervals have been formed and all of them have been used in the technical analysis. The first observation of the session could be subtracted because it consists of information that has not been derived during the session, because during the period the stock market was closed. Despite this argument, the time series have remained uncut as the goal of this study is to investigate the characteristics of the trading session which are connected with the way that information is incorporated into prices in every time. Thus VOGAZ delay analyses the market and delivers the best time for trading with the best trading strategies and gives the best possible result.

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